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Yes. It continues forever, though repeating itself which is what makes a sign graph go up and down.

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Q: Is sine function defined on angles more than 90degree?
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What function do you mean? Any function defined in a source file? Or any function used in a source file? Be more specific.

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By definition. If one input has more than one outputs then it is not a function.

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By having some knowledge about the functions involved. The natural domain is the domain for which the function is defined. For example (assuming you want to work with real numbers): The square root of x is only defined for values of x greater or equal to zero. The corresponding range can also be zero or more. The sine function is defined for all real numbers. The values the function can take (the range), however, are only values between -1 and 1. A rational function (a polynomial divided by another polynomial) is defined for all values, except those where the denominator is zero. Determining the range is a bit more complicated here.

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A shape that can contain no acute angles is a rectangle. In a rectangle, all interior angles are right angles, which are exactly 90 degrees. This means there are no angles smaller than 90 degrees, which are considered acute angles. Therefore, a rectangle is an example of a shape that contains no acute angles.

What statement causes a function to executed in PHP?

All usable statements in PHP can cause a function to be executed - however, that's not to say that every statement will execute a function. A statement is defined by the programmer, who it is ultimately the one responsible for including a function, more than one function, or no functions.

How are piecewise functions related to step functions and absolute value functions?

A piecewise function is a function defined by two or more equations. A step functions is a piecewise function defined by a constant value over each part of its domain. You can write absolute value functions and step functions as piecewise functions so they're easier to graph.

What is a signal?

A signal is a function that represents a physical quantity,a function may be defined by two or more variable. e.g a Sinosoidal signal require three parameters to define it completely that are amplitude,frequency and phase.

What is the value of f(x) when the x 6?

f(x) is a function that somehow depends on "x". Since it can be anything, you need more information - specifically, you need to know how the function is defined.

Two or more angles that have the same measures?

Two or more angles that have the same measure are called congruent angles.