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Q: Is slightly dilated cisterna magna 1.3cm at 40 weeks dangerous?
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Where is 55 S and 70 W?


What percentage of high school students receive magna cum laude?

zero ... magna cum laude is an honor to designate college graduates, not high school

How long 75 word answer?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce et justo magna, et sollicitudin eros. Ut vel enim scelerisque nulla tempor consectetur. Quisque lobortis sagittis imperdiet. Vivamus et velit justo, auctor vulputate erat. Aenean ac massa erat, quis accumsan lacus. In ut justo nec sapien pretium ornare non a neque. In odio orci, bibendum sit amet vehicula in, dapibus eget sapien. Integer adipiscing, enim a cursus malesuada, diam sem convallis lectus, at viverra turpis tortor.

What books are mentioned in Fahrenheit 451?

The BibeEdna St. Vincent Millay (1.38)Walt Whitman (1.38)William Faulkner (1.38)Alexander Smith, Dreamthorp (1.334)Dante (1.530)Jonathan Swift (1.530), Gulliver's Travels (1.682, 3.335)Marcus Aurelius (1.530)Helen Bannerman, Little Black Sambo (1.530)Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin (1.530)Samuel Johnson (2.2)James Boswell (2.7)Sophocles (2.181)Aeschylus (2.202)Shakespeare (2.46, 2.169, 2.329, 3.39), Julius Caesar(3.49), Hamlet (1.588)Henry David Thoreau (2.55), Walden (3.444)Luigi Pirandello (2.169)George Bernard Shaw (2.169)John Milton (2.181)Eugene O'Neill (2.202)The Chesire Cat, from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland (2.245)Matthew Arnold, Dover Beach (2.328-33)Sir Philip Sydney (2.373)Alexander Pope (2.373, 2.376)Dr. Johnson (2.380)Paul Valéry (2.382)Thomas Hardy (3.314)José Ortega Y Gasset (3.314)Plato (2.46), The Republic (3.330, 3.332)Arthur Schopenhauer (3.335)Aristophanes (3.335)Thomas Love Peacock (3.335)Lord Byron (3.338)Niccolò Machiavelli (3.338)Historical FiguresBenjamin Franklin (1.311)Hugh Latimer (1.325)Thomas Jefferson (2.55, 3.335)Marcus Aurelius (3.332)Einstein (3.335)Charles Darwin (3.335)Abraham Lincoln (3.335)Albert Schweitzer (3.335)Confucius (3.335)Thomas Paine (3.338)Bertrand Russell (3.344)The Magna Carta (3.353)The Constitution of the Untied States (3.353)Religious and Mythological ReferencesHercules and Antaeus (2.130)Tower of Babel (1.349)The Bible (2.42, 2.56, 2.186, 2.243)Old and New Testaments (2.51)Job and Ruth (2.329)Book of Ecclesiastes (3.319, 3.388)Book of Revelation (3.319, 3.388, 3.411)Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (3.335)Jesus Christ (3.338)Mahatma Gandhi (3.335)Gautama Buddha (3.335)

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Is mega cisterna magna is serious illness?

Mega cisterna magna refers to a larger than normal cisterna magna, one of the fluid filled spaces in the brain. The cisterna magna is located behind/beneath the cerebellum. This is in the lower back part of the brain. I have a mega cisterna magna, and have done a lot of reading on the subject. From what I have found in my reading and according to my neurologist, a normal variant mega cisterna magna is not a serious condition. It is usually found when a brain scan is performed for an unrelated condition. Mega cisterna magna can be a sign of a serious condition, but in most cases it is not clinically significant. It would be a good idea to have a neurologist look at the scans just to be on the safe side, and to put your mind at ease. If any other abnormalities are present, you should see a neurologist ASAP. You can find a list of some conditions that may be associated with mega cisterna magna here:

What are symptoms of prominent cisterna magna?

Prominent cisterna magna refers to an enlarged CSF retrocerebellar cisterns exceeding 10mm. Symptoms may include chromosomal abnormalities, inflammation, and infarction.

What is the cure of mega cisterna magna?

A mega cisterna magna is essentially a brain that has filled with fluid. This is usually an issue that is part of the body's functioning after death, and relayed at the post-moterm exam. There is no specific cure.

What is the medical term meaning surgical Creation of an artificial opening between the ventricles of the brain and the cisterna magna?


What is giant cisterna magna?

Giant cisterna magna is a rare condition where the cisterna magna, a space at the back of the brain where cerebrospinal fluid collects, is larger than normal. This can sometimes cause symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and balance problems. Treatment is typically focused on managing any related symptoms.

Places in uk ending in magna?

Hutton Magna, County Durham. Appleby Magna, Leicestershire. Canford Magna, Dorset. Chew Magna, Somerset. Sheepy Magna, Leicestershire (I kid you not). Fontmell Magna, Dorset. There are probably more.

What was the first document to limit the power of the British monarchy?

The Magna Carta document

Where is the Magna Library in Magna located?

The address of the Magna Library is: 8339 West 3500 South, Magna, 84044 1853

Why do i hear an intermittent sound of rushing water in my head and a sharp stabbing pain in the same area?

Hi, I'm a physician and I also have this intermittent sensation every now and then, without pain, tough. I usually feels it in the back of my head. I think that it may be related with spinal fluid movement within the cisterna magna, which is a huge reservoir of spinal fluid just bellow the back of the head . For some reason, the drainage in this area may become more or less pronounced, triggering this kind of sensation. However, I have never found a scientific explanation for that. So, this is just a hypothesis and may not be taken too seriously. In your case, you also have pain during this episodes, which could be caused by transient stimulation of pain receptors of the duramater (the tissue that covers of the brain and cisterna magna). Well... let me know if somebody find a better explanation for that! best, Diego

A town or city with magna in it?

Compton Magna

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What document was singed in 1215 that had to do with the king?
