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Specific data is always going to be more reliable than general data. The reason for this, is because people can answer more accurately, without giving a broad answer to a question.

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Q: Is specific data more reliable than general data?
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Is specific data is more reliable than general data?


Is specific data better than general data?

Specific data gives you more information and is more reliable.

Which is more useful specific data or general data?

It would depend on what it was used for, an overall view or something more detailed

What are specific data better than non-specific data?

its more data

Is objective data always more reliable than subjective data?

Fcuk you all kcuf

When a memo data type preferred over text data type for a field?

It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.

Why do you need to collect more data to obtain reliable data?

The more data you have, the more accurate your information. If you have a large amount of evidence of one result, it makes it look correct.

What change would make the data from this experiment more reliable?

Increasing the sample size would make the data more reliable by reducing the impact of random variations and increasing the statistical power of the study. Additionally, ensuring that the data collection methods are standardized and reproducible would improve the reliability of the results.

How is machine learning similar to inductive reasoning?

Inductive reasoning is the process of determining general results from specific situations, such as specific to general. The majority of machine learning models learn by inductive reasoning, which involves learning general rules (the model) from specific historical examples (the data). To learn more about data science please visit-

How do general characteristics and specific characteristics differ?

General is more big and specific is smaller and more right to the point.

In induction you look for a pattern and then form an educated guess or?

In induction, you observe a specific pattern or trend in a set of data or observations, and then infer a general rule or hypothesis that explains that pattern. This process involves moving from specific instances to a more general conclusion.

Why connection oriented is more reliable than connection less protocol?

Connection oriented is more reliable because there is an acknowledgment received from data receiver (destination) that the data is receiving and transfer is successful which is not received from connection less protocol.