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Q: Is spending two thousand dollars in one year a lot?
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It depends a lot on the year and condition of the car. The price can vary from a couple thousand dollars, all the way up to about thirteen thousand dollars.

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A thousand dollars is a lot of money. There were over a thousand people at the park.

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The salary job for a computer engineer is a lot of money each year. They make about eighty nine thousand dollars a year ($89, 000) It varies around eighty thousand .

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Most referees in professional rugby get paid around 50,000 dollars a year. This varies spending upon country and which team.

What will be the cost of one year at university?

It really depends on the University, a community college might cost a couple thousand dollars as opposed to Harvard which costs a lot of money!

How much would one hundred thousand dollars in 1934 be worth today?

A lot

What is three thousand two hundred billion dollars?

Answer 1: A lot of money Answer 2: 3,200 billion dollars Answer 3: 3.2 trillion dollars

How much is 1000 us dollars in Mexico?

its worth a lot more then it is in the U.S. people in Mexico would be really happy if they had a thousand dollars.

Is 62000 dollars a year a lot to make?


How much does the average athlete make in a year?

The average athlete gets paid around 400 thousand dollars for one year. they sign a contract for 1 to 5 years. Great athletes get paid from 1 to 9 million dollars and derek clark sucks his peni*

Is 500000 dollars a year a lot?

Yes, that is a good salarie