

Is string is linear type or not?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: Is string is linear type or not?
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If the tension in the string is doubled what will be the effect on the speed of standing waves in the string?

The speed of the standing waves in a string will increase by about 1.414 (the square root of 2 to be more precise) if the tension on the string is doubled. The speed of propagation of the wave in the string is equal to the square root of the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string. That's the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string, and then the square root of that. If tension doubles, then the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string will double. The speed of the waves in the newly tensioned string will be the square root of twice what the tension divided by the linear mass was before. This will mean that the square root of two will be the amount the speed of the wave through the string increases compared to what it was. The square root of two is about 1.414 or so.

What multiplicative factor would you increase tension if you double the speed of a wave on a string?

The speed of the standing waves in a string will increase by about 1.414 (the square root of 2 to be more precise) if the tension on the string is doubled. The speed of propagation of the wave in the string is equal to the square root of the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string. That's the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string, and then the square root of that. If tension doubles, then the tension of the string divided by the linear mass of the string will double. The speed of the waves in the newly tensioned string will be the square root of twice what the tension divided by the linear mass was before. This will mean that the square root of two will be the amount the speed of the wave through the string increases compared to what it was. The square root of two is about 1.414 or so.

Is String a linear data structure?

yes it is, other linear data structures are lists,queues,stacks,arrays

How can a line be linear and nonlinear?

Two possibilities: The line is linear over some of its length and then goes non-linear (or the other way round: Think of a mass, at the end of a string, being swung in a circle. Then the string is cut. The motion of the mass would have been circular (lon-linear) until the instant the string was cut and then linear, as it flies off into a tangent. Or The line is linear from one perspective but not from another: Think of the trajectory of a ball that is thrown up at an angle to the horizon. If seen from above, the ball travels in a straight line (linear) but if seen from the side it follows a parabola (non-linear). Hope that helps.

What is the definition of linear distance?

Linear distance is basically the distance between two defined points. Think of two pins on a map, and a string being strung from both heads, where the string would follow from one point to another in a perfect line. Hence, linear.

What is type of linear equalizer?

1:linear transversal and 2: Linear lattic equalizars

Where string is primitive data type of string data type?

String is not primitive data. Only char,int,double,and boolean are!

Can you store non primitive data type in the array list?

Yes you can store non primitive data type variables in an array. String is a non primitive data type. You can declare a string array as: String a[]=new String[10];

How do you calculate wave speed along a vibrating string?

On an ideally elastic and homogeneus string, the square of the speed is the tension upon wich the string is subjected, divided by its linear mass density (mass per unit lenght). That is v^2 = T / (M/L), where v is the wave speed, T the tension, M the string's mass and L its length, so M/L comes to be the linear mass density (for an homogeneous string).

What is the best type of yoyo string?

Type 8 cotton string works good, and it can be colored to if you want.

What is in string?

A string is a collection of words or characters in '' or "" it is also a data type.