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Q: Is summarizing usually about one-half the length of the original?
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Related questions

What is a first good step in writing a summary?

First thing is to know what the document you are summarizing is attempting to say. There is no magic in keeping summary down to a certain length ... there is a magic in making the reduced word count convey the same purpose and ideas of the original.

Formula for extension?

The formula for extension (lengthening) of a material under tensile stress is given by: Extension = Original Length x Strain = Original Length x (Final Length - Original Length) / Original Length. It represents the change in length of a material when subjected to a stretching force.

How do you measure elongation of tension specimen?

The elongation of a tension specimen can be measured by marking a gauge length on the specimen before testing it and then comparing the final length of the specimen after it has been stretched to the original gauge length. The elongation can be calculated using the formula: Elongation = ((final length - original length) / original length) x 100%.

Is there no difference between paraphrasing and summarizing?

Paraphrasing involves restating a text in your own words while maintaining the original meaning. Summarizing, on the other hand, involves capturing the main points of a text in a concise manner. While both involve rephrasing content, the level of detail and length varies.

What is the measurement of the extent of an object along its greatest dime?

Usually the length. Sometimes, though the orientation determines which measurement is the length. Usually the length. Sometimes, though the orientation determines which measurement is the length. Usually the length. Sometimes, though the orientation determines which measurement is the length. Usually the length. Sometimes, though the orientation determines which measurement is the length.

How do you find the original length if you are given the strain and the extended length?

Use the formula Strain=Extension/original length and rearrange to give Original length=Extension/Strain. Substitute the values you have for the strain and the extended length into the equation and voila! Source: Doing A-level (senior high-school in America) Maths and Physics.

How many sentences are in a summary?

That varies depending on the length of the original and the length of summary required. There is no agreed length.

What is the length of a original cricket field?

The original length of a cricket pitch/ track is 22 yards. im not sure if this is answering your question but meh.

A paraphrase of a source is usually what?

A paraphrase of a source involves restating its ideas or information in your own words, while still maintaining the original meaning and concept. It should not include direct quotes or copied sentences from the original source.

Why strain has no unit?

Strain is a dimensionless quantity that represents the deformation of an object relative to its original size. It is calculated as the change in length divided by the original length, making it unitless. This is because strain is a ratio of two lengths, and as such, it does not require a unit to quantify its value.

What is the average length and width of a cafe?

Length is usually 10 metres and Width is usually 8.

Why change in length is equal to original length?

When an object undergoes a deformation that does not cause it to break or permanently deform, the change in length can be equal to the original length if the deformation is elastic. This means that the object returns to its original length once the deforming force is removed, exhibiting a linear relationship between stress and strain. This behavior is described by Hooke's Law in the elastic region of a material's stress-strain curve.