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Once every eight hour.

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Q: Is taking Tylenol No 3 four times a day too many Mgs a day?
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What is the difference between quadruple and four times?

"Quadruple" refers to something that is four times as much or as many as something else. "Four times" simply means repeating something four times, without specifying if it is in relation to something else.

Does taking too many Tylenol make you faint?

Tylenol should not make you faint. However, taking too many Tylenol, either at one time or too many every time, can damage your liver. Liver damage cannot be fixed or cured. And since humans need their liver to survive, the only two outcomes from severe liver damage are either liver transplant or death.

Are there any non-prescription methods I can use for migraine relief?

Excederin migraine works well for treating episodes. Taking ibuprofen or tylenol may or may not work. Many times going to sleep helps the most!

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Four times.

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How many is quadruple?

Four times

You have to take 7 or 8 500 mg Tylenol to cure a headache what can you do to take less pills but cure your headache?

If you are taking this much acetaminophen at once, then you are risking liver damage and failure. 4000mg is the maximum amount of Tylenol allowed in a 24 hour period. You also need to be on the look out for acetaminophen in other products, such as NyQuil, Excedrin, etc..You may wish to speak with your doctor regarding medication.Before doing so, I would try taking 800mg of ibuprofen (4 Advil or Motrin). If this doesn't work, I would also try taking two Aleve (naprosyn sodium). (Not altogether)Many pain experts suggest taking fewer pain killers more often - instead of taking 7 or 8 Tylenol at one time - why not try taking ONE Tylenol every 2 - 3 hours so that you have a constant level of painkiller in your blood - remember not to exceed 8 Tylenol in one day.

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four times

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Four times.

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61 times