Yes it is. they teach it in school.
It is primarily used to teach little kids in kitnergarden and elementary school to add and subtract.
some of these adverbs are now, first,always, next,after,tomorrow, soon, early, today, usually, then, and yesterday
You can't. If I tell you the width, the length can still be anything at all.
It is impossible to tell the number of pages on www today. Even by the time this answer is submitted the final number of pages would have increased by many thousands. There are thousands of pages pouring in every minute. Google claims to have indexed over a trillion pages till date. Still there are no statistics to validate such claims.
In today's terms 144 in Roman numerals is: CXLIV
The oracle bones tell us that when you burn them, there are cracks. The Chinese thought that the gods are trying to tell them something. The cracks also make the Chinese handwriting used today.
to count money or goods when trading so if they are stolen the chineses can tell!!!!
I don't know, i was hoping you could tell me.
Bill Cosby is not here, as far as I can tell...
Because just bye looking at them they tell alot of history and can tell alot of informaton
The Chinese made silk, but it stayed a secret until the Europeans captured a Chinese man and forced him to tell them how to make it. Even today, we wear silk.
to tell you the truth i really don't know!
Because those books tell them what their religion believes and means.
the Chinese zodiac is used to tell what symbol you are- coming from the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, chicken, dig, pig. the animal that got left out was the sad, lonely cat.
Cause all of the information that he found. And what he was tying to tell people , that they were hurting the bay, and the animals in there. That's why his information is still important today.
進入Does that (above) tell you how to say 'enter' in Chinese.?
Yes!... Mostly chinese women tell about this.