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Q: Is the Columbian Exchange the same as triangle trade?
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The triangle trade and the Columbian Exchange?

The Triangular change and the Columbian exchange is the same thing Columbian exchange is a long term for The Triangular Trade.

Which word is the same thing as trade?

It depends how you mean the word.For trade as in one's life work:BusinessCareerJobProfessionWorkFor trade as in exchange goods or services:BarterExchangeSwap

Why is world 1 always full on runescape?

Because it's a trade world, world 2 is the same, everyone goes there to trade in both exchange and outside the exchange.

What are the difference between trade and business?

trade is the exchange of goods or services business is a transaction where goods and services are exchanged so they are the same

What is the difference between trade and transport?

Trade is where you exchange something for something else that has the same value. Transport is moving something somewhere different.

Definitions for Greek commerce and trade?

The definitions for commerce and trade are the same, no matter what culture they are referring to. Trade is an exchange of goods, either for money or for other goods. Commerce is the entire economy of a nation.

How is a triangle the same as a equilateral triangle?

A triangle is the same as a equilateral triangle because a equilateral triangle is a triangle but it is congruent on all sides

Exchange of goods between one country and another is called?

Geberally trade. Trade can also take place between individuals in the same country, and isn't affected by the magnitude of the agreement.

How do you find which triangle if you know the lengths of the sides of a triangle whether it is isosceles or equilateral or scalene?

You look at the lengths of the sided of the triangle. If the two lengths are same, the triangle is an isosceles triangle. If all the lengths are same, the triangle is an equilateral triangle. If none of the lengths are same, the triangle is a scalene triangle.

A triangle with all sides the same lenght?

A triangle with all sides the same lenght is an equilateral triangle.

How is a rectangle and a triangle the same?

They are both geometric shapes

What type of triangle which has all the same sides the same?

Equilateral triangle