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Yes, the Great Pyramid of Giza is a square pyramid. From a birds eye view, you could see that the bottom is in the shape of a square.


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Q: Is the Great Pyramid of Egypt an example of square pyramid?
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Real life examples of a square pyramid?

A square pyramid is a polygon that has a square base and four triangular sides. A real life example is the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.

What some examples of a square based pyramid?

Pyramid in Egypt is one of the real example of rectangular pyramid :)

What real life object is a square pyramid?

The PYRAMIDS at Giza in Egypt. Hence the name 'pyramid'.

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It is a pyramid that has a triangle as its base. The pyramids of Egypt are all built on square bases.

Are the faces of a square pyramid square?

A square pyramid (also known as a square based pyramid) has only one face that is a square Imagine a normal pyramid in Egypt it is like that only with a square as its base instead of a triangle so yes it does have square faces-just only 1

What is a real world example of a square pyramid?

One real world example of a square pyramids is the pyramids built in Egypt, like the Pyramid of Giza. Another example is the roof of many houses. Children's building blocks often include square pyramids as well.

What shape is a pyramid?

It depends. A pyramid is a basic shape if you are reffering to the pyramids like the ones in Giza, Egypt those would be a square-based pyramid.

What is a shape pyramid?

It depends. A pyramid is a basic shape if you are reffering to the pyramids like the ones in Giza, Egypt those would be a square-based pyramid.

What is a real world example of a square based pyramid?

Pyrimids of Giza in Egypt The Egyptian pyramids are fine examples of square based pyramids.

What is the smallest pyramid in Egypt?

The Pyramid Mathecs is the smallest pyramid in Egypt and the biggest pyramid is Pyramid of Khufu at Giza and it is the oldest pyramid. Also, it is one of the seven wonders of the world.