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Q: Is the Mg said to be oxidized or not?
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Is Mg2 plus in oxidized form or reduced form?

Mg2+ is in the oxidized form because it has lost two electrons compared to its neutral state (Mg). In general, cations are considered to be in the oxidized form because they have lost electrons.

What get oxidized in an a galvanic cell made with magnesium and zinc electrodes?

Mg(s) Apex baby

What is oxidation state of mg plus plus?

The oxidation state of Mg2+ is +2. Magnesium typically forms cations with a +2 charge by losing 2 electrons.

What is oxidized in a galvanic cell?

The anode

What is magnesium's formula?

Mg is an element. Oh, wait, you said formula?

Is Zn oxidized or reduced?


What is the effect of HCl on burned and unburned Mg strip?

HCl will react with both burned and unburned Mg strips to produce hydrogen gas and magnesium chloride. The reaction will occur faster with the unburned Mg strip due to its greater surface area compared to the burned Mg strip. The burned Mg strip may have an oxidized layer that can slow down the reaction.

What is the shape of Mg strip?

as u said its a strip therefore its rectangular in shape

When electroplating sliver on iron what is oxidized?

The iron is oxidized and the silver is reduced.

What is the symbol for oxidized iron?


What reactions occur when burning Mg in a crucible?

When burning Mg in a crucible, magnesium reacts with oxygen in the air to form magnesium oxide. The reaction produces a bright white light and heat. The magnesium metal is oxidized during the reaction, resulting in the formation of a powdery white residue of magnesium oxide in the crucible.

What element is oxidized in this reaction FeO CO--Fe CO2?

Iron (Fe) is oxidized in this reaction. It goes from an oxidation state of +2 in FeO to +4 in FeCO2.