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Q: Is the base of the parallelogram twice the circumference?
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What fraction of the circle circumference is on the base of the parallelogram?

It should be an infinitesimally small fraction, since a circumference is a curve and the base of a parallelogram is a straight line.

The area of a parallelogram is equal to?

twice the area of the triangle with the same base an height.

The area of a parallelogram is 392m2 If its altitude is twice the corresponding base determine the base and the altitude?

Base=14 AND Altitude=28.

How is the area of a parallelogram related to the area of a triangle with the same base and height?

The parallelogram has twice the area of the triangle if their bases are the same and their heights are the same. Area triangle = 1/2 base x height. Area parallelogram = base x height.

What is the formula to work out the circumference of a parallelogram?

Circumference of a parallelogram = (2 x length) + (2 x width).

How is the area of a parallelogram related to the area formula for the area for a triangle?

It is base x height for the parallelogram. That is twice the area of a triangle which is: 1/2 base x height. (Base and height being the same for both cases).

What is the formula for circumference of a parallelogram?


What is the base of the parallelogram?

The base of a parallelogram is parallel to its opposite side.

Can a paralleloelgram and a triangle have the same area give examples .?

A triangle twice as high as a parallelogram with the same base has the same area.

What is the circumference parallelogram?

Its perimeter is the sum of its 4 sides

Does the choice of the base change the area of the parallelogram?

The choice of the base of a parallelogram does change the area because the base is always the bottom line of parallelogram.

How many copies of a parallelogram do you need to build a parallelogram that is twice as large?
