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Q: Is the circumference 3 times longer?
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What is the expression of 3 times the circumference of the softball?

It is 3*S where S is the circumference of the softball.

What is the circumference if the Diameter equals 3 meters?

Circumference is equal to 2 times pi times the radius. The radius is half the diameter, so pi times the diameter is also the circumference. In this case, the diameter is 3 meters so 3 times pi equals 9.42 So the circumference is about 9.42 meters.

Is the circumference of a circle equal to 3 times it's diameter?

Approximately yes. Circumference is equal to pi times the diameter of the circle, which is 3.14159 times the diameter.

If a circle has a diameter of 3 what is the circumference?

Take the diameter times pi and you get the circumference. It's 9.4248. 3 pi is 9.4248 units

How many times larger is the circumference than the radius?

3 times

What is the circumference of a circle of 3 cm?

Circumference= D times Pi SO, the answer is 9.42

Is the circumference 3 times the radius?

No, the formula for a circumference of a circle is 2(pie)r For example, if r is 6, the the circumference is 12(pie)

What is the formula for finding the circumference with radius?

the circumference is two times the radius, or 2r. so if the radius was 3, the circumference would be 6. if the radius was 4, the circumference is 8.

How do you teach circumference of a circle?

You mesure the diameter (the length across the circle) and times it by PI (or 3) and that is ur circumference!

Is the diameter three times the circumference?

Yes because circumference = diameter*pi and the value of pi is just over 3

Why is circumference equal to 2 times Pi times r?

circumference=pi circumference=pi circumference=pi

How many times longer is the circumference of a circle than its diameter?

It is larger than the diameter by a factor of Pi (about 3.1416).