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Q: Is the discovery is pretrial disclosure of pertinent facts or documents pertaining to a case is true or false?
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Related questions

What is correct pertinent with or pertinent to?

pertinent to.

What does relevant documents mean?

Relevant documents are those that are directly related to the topic or issue at hand. They provide information, evidence, or data that is pertinent and can help in understanding or addressing the subject in question. Identifying relevant documents is important for research, decision-making, or legal purposes.

What is the function of R News?

R News was the former newsletter which was used for the R-project. It included articles and documents which were pertinent to R developers such as changes to R, and programming hints.

What is the prefix of pertinent?

The prefix of "pertinent" is "per-".

What takes place at a pretrial conference in a civil suit?

The judge meets with all the involved parties and their legal counsel to see if a settlement can be reached without going to trial. The judge will review all pertinent information such as discovery documents, interrogatiories, etc. and then give his or her non binding opinion as to the merits of the case.

How do you use pertinent in a sentence?

The details included had to be pertinent to our topic.

What is the pertinent history of a relationship between friends?

I have no idea, but what is ''pertinent history''?

What is the synonyms of pertinent?

ad rem, admissible, applicable, apposite,appropriate, apropos, apt, connected, fit, fitting,germane, kosher*, legit, material, on target, on thebutton, on the nose, opportune, pat, pertaining,proper, related, right on, to the point, to thepurpose

Sentence for pertinent?

Pertinent is an adjective which means relevant to a particular issue at hand. A sample sentence is: "It would be pertinent to follow the plan rather than do it haphazardly."

How do you use the word pertinent in a sentence?

(pertinent means applicable, or germane)"The lawyer prepared for court by studying all of the pertinent legal decisions.""An ACT test score is one pertinent factor in determining your placement as a college freshman.""Your family medical history can be pertinent in maintaining your personal health.""The question about the democracy in ancient Greece was very pertinent to the discussion of modern day politics in the US."

What is a pertinent question?

A pertinent question is one that relates to the topic being discussed at that moment.

What part of speech is the word pertinent?

The word pertinent is an adjective. It describes something that is relevant.