In traditional Western music notation, the fifth line is at the top of the staff. The staff consists of five lines and four spaces, with the lines representing pitches. The bottom line is typically the first line from the bottom, and the top line is the fifth line from the bottom.
operating income divide by top line
In the treble clef, the note of b-flat can be found on the third (or middle) line on the staff. In the bass clef, it can be found on top of the top line, and on the first line.
In simple terms Top Line is Sales and Bottom Line is revenue or profit in IT industry or with respect to any industry.
There is no name for line number 5 of the staff its a trick question (if you are doing a music crossword like i am) the answer is its the top line. i looked it up
it is on the bottom
The note D is on the second line from the top or the fourth line from the bottom.
i believe the answer you're looking for is a staff
a vertical line is a line which is made from top to bottom or bottom to top.
If you are in treble clef, then it is on the bottom line of the staff or the space right below the top line. If you are in bass clef, the note may be the second space from the top, as it is the only E on the staff. If you are in alto clef, it is either on the second line from the top or the space right below the last line. If you are in tenor clef, it is either on the top line or the last space, right above the last line. I hope this covers all of it.
A C in cello music is either in the second space from the bottom of the staff (low C), or one line above the top of the staff (high C).
The 4-4 time signature on a staff looks like two number 4s, one on top of the other. Each reaches from the middle line of the staff to either the top or bottom line. Also note sometimes common time is preferred which is abbreviated with a c in the middle of the staff.
A is in the 2nd space, D is immediately below the staff or on the 4th line, E-flat is on the bottom line or top space.
Draw three vertical lines, then three vertical lines underneath, usually about 1cm long. Then join the line on the top left to the bottom middle line, then join the top middle line to the bottom right line. Join the top left line to the top right line so it looks like a triangle. Then do the same to the bottom lines. Then join the bottom left line to the top left line. Then join the bottom right line to the top right line.
The bottom line of the treble clef is E4 and the top line is F5, so portions of both (but not the entirety of either) the fourth and fifth octaves on a piano are in the treble clef.
In the treble clef, the note of b-flat can be found on the third (or middle) line on the staff. In the bass clef, it can be found on top of the top line, and on the first line.
The line of the eyes located ____ way between the top and bottom of the head
If referring to the second line up, the answer is G. If referring to the second line from the top, then the answer is D.