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Q: Is the flow of water flowing at 2meters per second through 3 inch diameter GI pipe laminar or turbulant flow?
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Is the flow of water flowing at 2 meter per second through 3 inch diameter GI pipe laminar or turbulant?

Calculate the Reynold's number. As a rule of thumb, any Reynold's number < 2000 is considered laminar, 2000<Re<4000 is transitional, and above 4000 is considered turbulent. Re = (velocity)*(diameter)*(density) / (viscosity) velocity = 2 m/s diameter = 3 inches (0.0762 m) density = 1000 kg/m3 viscosity = 1x10-3 N*s/m2 Re = (2 m/s)*(0.0762 m)*(1000 kg/m3)/(1X10-3N*s/m2) = 152,400 So,I would guess that you would have turbulent flow in this pipe.

Can you please tell the limitations of poiseuille equation?

Poiseuille Equation can only be applied to laminar flow.

Derivation of navier-stokes equation for a cylindrical coordinates for a compressible laminar flow?

it is easy you can see any textbook........

Would a golf ball flying through the air be friction?

There are two types of drag experienced by a sphere. The first is the obvious drag due to friction. This only accounts for a small part of the drag experienced by a ball. The majority of the drag comes from the separation of the flow behind the ball and is known as pressure drag due to separation. For laminar flow past a sphere, the flow separates very early. The surface roughness caused the flow to transition from laminar to turbulent. The turbulent flow has more energy than the laminar flow and thus, the flow stays attached longer.

What is the flow rate of water through a 20 inch pipe at 2500 psi?

For laminar flow? For a full pipe? for a 3/4-full pipe? For a 1/2-full pipe? It all makes quite a difference. Please repost your question with a little more information. It would also help to for us to know the coefficient of friction of the inside of the pipe.

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Is the flow of water flowing at 2 meter per second through 3 inch diameter GI pipe laminar or turbulant?

Calculate the Reynold's number. As a rule of thumb, any Reynold's number < 2000 is considered laminar, 2000<Re<4000 is transitional, and above 4000 is considered turbulent. Re = (velocity)*(diameter)*(density) / (viscosity) velocity = 2 m/s diameter = 3 inches (0.0762 m) density = 1000 kg/m3 viscosity = 1x10-3 N*s/m2 Re = (2 m/s)*(0.0762 m)*(1000 kg/m3)/(1X10-3N*s/m2) = 152,400 So,I would guess that you would have turbulent flow in this pipe.

When flowing gas flows from a larger diameter to a smaller diameter pipe?

The speed of the gas must increase. Also, depending on the geometry of the transition, it's comparatively difficult to maintain laminar flow, and there's typically considerable turbulence there and for some distance after.

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Increasing the radius of a pipe where laminar flow occurs typically leads to a decrease in the flow velocity needed to maintain laminar flow. This is because the flow rate is proportional to the radius to the power of four in laminar flow conditions. As a result, larger radii usually allow for higher flow rates while still maintaining laminar flow.

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due to turbulance the flow of the fluid decreases. the fluid particles traces abnormal path and stops the movement of other particles also. this occur due to some sudden blocking which converts laminar flow into turbulant flow.

What is critical velocity for 3 inch hose?

The critical velocity for a 3-inch hose depends on the fluid flowing through it. In general, critical velocity is the velocity at which the flow changes from laminar to turbulent. It can be calculated using the Reynolds number for the specific fluid and hose diameter.

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This question is its own answer. The flow patterns in laminar flow are laminar.

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What are examples of laminar and turbulent flow?

The Reynolds number, Re = VD/υ, can be used to measure the laminarity of flow. The smaller the Reynolds number, the more laminar the flow. Therefore, to achieve better laminar flow, V and D (velocity of fluid and diameter of pipe) should be small and υ, the kinematic viscosity of the fluid, should be large. Therefore, since pipe diameter and viscosity is fixed in this circumstance, the slower the velocity of the flow, the more laminar the flow. Open the faucet to a small degree and the flow will be laminar. Turn the facet open fully will (for some faucets) cause turbulent flow depending on the maximum velocity of water allowed by the faucet.

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A compact heat exchanger with a hydraulic diameter on the order of 1 mm or less. Flow is typically laminar and heat transfer coefficients are proportional to velocity.

When was Laminar Flow - album - created?

Laminar Flow - album - was created in 1979.