25% of 710= 25% * 710= 0.25 * 710= 177.5
Assuming the fractions are 2/15 and 4/25 rather than "2 and 15" which is not a fraction, the answer is no.
Fraction 1/4(25%) is 0.25, which is bigger then 0.00
If you add 25 to 710, you will get 735.
It is 25/710, which can be simplified, if required.
25% of 710= 25% * 710= 0.25 * 710= 177.5
Assuming the fractions are 2/15 and 4/25 rather than "2 and 15" which is not a fraction, the answer is no.
5/19 is greater than 6/25
Fraction 1/4(25%) is 0.25, which is bigger then 0.00
If you add 25 to 710, you will get 735.
17/25 is greater.
1.76 as a fraction is 1 19/25 as a mixed number which is a number that is a combination of both normal numbers and a fraction, or it can be 44/25 which is an improper fraction since the numerator is bigger than the denominator.
Yes, 25 is bigger than 13.
Yes, 25 is bigger than 0.33 is.
the answer is 14 over 25