The Greatest Common Divisor of 32, 224 is 32.
12. 24 = 23 x 3 36 = 22 x 32 60 = 22 x 3 x 5 84 = 22 x 3 x 7 gcd = 22 x 3 = 12
This cannot be answered because the common multiples of any two or more numbers are infinite.
The Greatest Common Divisor of 32, 224 is 32.
The Greatest Common Divisor of 32, 80 is 16.
The Greatest Common Divisor is 4
It is eight.
The greatest common divisor of 32 and 40 is 8. 32/8= 4, and 40/8= 5.
The GCF is 2.
The GCF is 4.
The GCF is 4.
The greatest common divisor refers to a divisor that is COMMON to two or more numbers. You have only one number in the question! The greatest divisor of any number is itself.
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) for 32 46 is 2.