The fornix is roughly the same size in a sheep and a human. The human fornix is more developed though because it links memory to taste.
yes one human hand is bigger than the other
Well, if you think that human feet are the size of mathematical feet, it depends. Human foot sizes vary.
0.85 is smaller than 1. 3.4 is bigger than 1. "Bigger than 1" is bigger than "smaller than 1".
52ounces is bigger than
A millenium is bigger than century
Because everything in a Human is bigger than a sheep's because humans are bigger than sheep.
The sheep brainstem is smaller in size compared to the human brainstem. By weight, the human brainstem is approximately 2-3 times larger than that of a sheep. However, both the sheep and human brainstems play crucial roles in regulating basic bodily functions.
The gyri is a large octopus tentacle that sneezes when the lollipops are attached to the opposite side of the triangular surface of a pancake and the sulci is a turkey times the number of y chromosomes in a head of lettuce.
No, sheep brains are not the size of peas. They are bigger than peas but smaller than human brains. Sheep brains are roughly the size of a lemon and weigh around 140-160 grams.
a sheep
A sheeps heart is slightly bigger than a sheeps kidney.
There are about 2 sheep per human
No, they are not as large or as wide.
The sheep cerebellum is much smaller than the human cerebellum.
yes one human hand is bigger than the other
The human brain is larger. The positioning of the hind brain is different, due to the erect position of humans. Convolutions are increased in humans (increases surface area). The sheep's brain has a smaller cerebellum (lesser motor control/less complex learned motor behaviors). There is a larger pineal gland in sheep (related to circadian rhythms/seasonal reproduction).