uh well there completly different guns...the m16 is a assualt rifle and the l96 is a bolt action rifle. m16 is probly the better choice if your trying to survive on a battlefield.
first of all my favourite assault rifle is the m16. its better than the ak47 in some ways but the ak is better than the m16 in others wich makes them balanced for battle.the m16 can take attachments-grenade launcher EOTECH sight Combat scope for long ranges masterkey-shotgun barrel attachment(the ak doesnt have this one)foregrip for more steady shooting laser sight burst/single/auto...etc and the m16 is younger and a bit more modern than the AK but i don't care about theyre balance i think the m16 is better because it has that vietnamite/taliban pwnage smell-hpe i helped
I Think Decimals Are Better Than Fractions
I believe that Colt has the government contract to produce the M16 for the US military.
No, Dirt 3 is better than Dirt 1.
Of course inter is better!!
The UTG L96
The SKS packs a bigger round (7.62mm) than the m16 (5.56mm) but the m16 has a higher magazine capacity, better accuracy,and a higher rate of fire, so the SKS is more powerful, but the m16 is generally regarded as a better weapon.
mp5 m4 m16 g3 g36 p90 p226 p228 remington870 l96 l85
first of all my favourite assault rifle is the m16. its better than the ak47 in some ways but the ak is better than the m16 in others wich makes them balanced for battle.the m16 can take attachments-grenade launcher EOTECH sight Combat scope for long ranges masterkey-shotgun barrel attachment(the ak doesnt have this one)foregrip for more steady shooting laser sight burst/single/auto...etc and the m16 is younger and a bit more modern than the AK but i don't care about theyre balance i think the m16 is better because it has that vietnamite/taliban pwnage smell-hpe i helped
The M16 has greater range than the AK, and a higher rate of fire. The ammunition weighs less, and has a greater wounding ability. The AK is simpler, and handles being dirty better than the M16.
Both guns are very excellent guns, but it just depends on the situation. If your in confined spaces, the m4 would be better due to its compactness; but if your outside, the m16 would be better due to its accuracy. Overall, I think the m16 is better, but that's just my opinion. Besides, there are better guns than the m16 series such as the m468 with its heavier round, and the scar with its interchangability between the 556 round and the 762 round.
Most airsoft battles take place in close quarters which is what the m4 was made for. Unlike the m16 which was made for longer ranges
Enlist! What better way to get free ammo and GET PAID to shoot your M16!
You should use a m16 because its better.
It depends really M98B will get you a lot more close quarters to medium range stopping power, while the L96 is ok up close it's not as good at medium range. The L96 is excellent at a distance and can get you that one hit kill depending on your shot location
The bullet energy from the AK 47 is higher than a round from an M16 or M4. That doesn't mean it is necessarily a better weapon. The AK 47 is very reliable but the M16 is much more accurate.