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No. You can always add one to a number, to get a larger number.

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Q: Is the largest know number a Googolplexian?
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What is the largest number besides infinity and googolplexian?

There are a bunch of them between googolplexian and infinity. Here are the first few: googolplexian + 1 googolplexian + 2 googolplexian + 3 googolplexian + 4 googolplexian + 5 googolplexian + 6 . . googolplexian + 3 million . . etc. There are an infinite number of those.

What is the biggestest number?

A Googolplexian is the largest number with a name but otherwise numbers are infinite.

What number is bigger than a googolplexian?

a googolplexian + 1

Is googolplexian a number?

Yes. After googolplex.

Is there a number larger then googleplex with a name?

It is spelt googol, not google. Googolplexian is the largest number with a name. It is equal to 1 and googolplex zeros, or 101010100 (10^10^10^100)

How many zeros does googolplexian have?

Googolplexian has googolplexian zeros :)

What comes after one googolplexian?

That's not even a number.

Is there a defined number larger than googolplexian?

Yes. Graham's number.

WHAT is 10 to the googolplexian power?

10 to the googolplexian power is an incredibly large number. To understand this number, we first need to define a googolplexian, which is 10 to the power of a googolplex. A googol is 10 to the power of 100, and a googolplex is 10 to the power of a googol. Therefore, 10 to the googolplexian power is a 1 followed by a googolplex number of zeros. This number is so large that it is practically incomprehensible and exceeds the capacity of most calculators and computers to accurately calculate.

Is googolplexian a real number?

Yes, it's 10^googolplex.

What comes after googolplexian?

googolplexian and one. or perhaps googolplexian + Limx→∞ 1/x

What is the name and length of the longest number?

Googolplexian: The worlds largest number with a name. A "1" followed by a googolplex of zeros Googolplex: The second largest number with a name. A "1" followed by a googol of zeros Googol: A large number. A "1" followed by one hundred zeros. There are infinitely many numbers, so there is no longest number.