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Horizontal as it passes through -8 on the y-axis. Since it is a horizontal line, the slope is zero. For proof, use the points on the line of (1,-8) & (2,-8) and calculate the slope to get zero.

m = ((-8) - (-8))/ (2-1) = 0/1 = 0

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Q: Is the line with equation y equals -8 horizontal or vertical What is the slope of this line?
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A line with no slope is a vertical line. The slope is undefined, and cannot be represented by a real number. A horizontal line has a slope, but the slope is zero. Consider the "y = mx + b" form of the straight line equation. For a horizontal line the slope is zero, so y = 0x +b => y = b, which is the equation of a horizontal line. For a vertical line, there is no slope, so you can't substitute for m; the equation can't be written in the form y = mx +b. The equation of a vertical line has the form x = a.

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Vertical. Te horizontal like has zero slope ( no slope) and the vertical line has infinite (very very high) slope

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We usually denote the slope of a line as M. Horizontal lines have a slope of zero. Mhorizontal line = 0 Verticle lines have a slope that is undefined. Note that the slope is not infinite, but is undefined. Mvertical line = undefined To write the equation of a horizontal or vertical line, we need to know if it's going to be a slope-intercept form or a point-slope form.

What is the slope of the equation -6?

I assume you mean y = -6. The slope of this would be zero since it is a horizontal line. For the equation x = -6, the slope would be infinite since this is a vertical line.

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An undefined slope is vertical.

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The slope of a vertical line is undefined. Horizontal slope is 0.

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If the equation of a line is [ Y = -2 ] the the line is horizontal. Its slope is zero.

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