The distribution of x can be almost anything - apart from the Poisson distribution.
Almost all statistical distribution have a mean. It is the expected value of the random variable which is distributed according to that function.
Almost every number that almost every ordinary person uses in his personal life on almost every typical day is a rational number.
Tables of the cumulative probability distribution of the standard normal distribution (mean = 0, variance = 1) are readily available. Almost all textbooks on statistics will contain one and there are several sources on the net. For each value of z, the table gives Φ(z) = prob(Z < z). The tables usually gives value of z in steps of 0.01 for z ≥ 0. For a particular value of z, the height of the probability density function is approximately 100*[Φ(z+0.01) - Φ(z)]. As mentioned above, the tables give figures for z ≥ 0. For z < 0 you simply use the symmetry of the normal distribution.
Hundreds, if not more. For a given set of data, you calculate a statistic. Select a null and alternative hypotheses. These may include the kind of distribution as well as parameters about its location and spread (mean and variance). Determine the probability distribution function (pdf) of that statistic when the null hypothesis is true. Decide on the significance level that you wish to use. Determine values of the statistic such that the probability of observing a value at least as extreme is less than the significance level. You have a test. There are almost no constraints on the distribution that you select at the second stage and so, provided you can determine the pdf of the test statistic under your assumptions, there are no limits to the number of tests you can devise.
The distribution of x can be almost anything - apart from the Poisson distribution.
In many countries, the legal market and distribution model is not sufficient to serve the demand. This market failure almost invariably leads to piracy and infringement, as that's the only reasonable way for people to get the materials they want.
Almost all statistical distribution have a mean. It is the expected value of the random variable which is distributed according to that function.
None other than the one and only Leonard Nimoy, most famous for portraying Star Trek's Mr. Spock for almost 50 years now.
Megalodon have been extinct for 1.8 million years. They had what is called a cosmopolitan distribution in the oceans. A cosmopolitan distribution means that they lived almost everywhere on Earth.
A typical day for a kid in Guatemala would be almost like a typical day for a kid in America. The kid would eat breakfast and then got to school and go back home and clean.
Almost every number that almost every ordinary person uses in his personal life on almost every typical day is a rational number.
Lack of sufficient rain, in the case of Europe, and it almost never rains in Antarctica.
almost always
The Concorde was a supersonic commercial airliner. However, due to flight accidents the Concorde is no longer in service. The typical cruise speed for a commercial jet is about 0.8 Mach. Of course, almost any plane with sufficient engines and built for speed can dive down and break the sound barrier---but it may not recover from this.
Something typical of a group of animals is that they tend to stick together. They almost always have an alpha male, the leader of the group. He protects everyone form danger.
Used Audi a7's range in the lower $20,000's. A typical family's income is around $50,000. So, I do not believe that this car would be affordable for a typical family, as it is almost half of the household income.