No, the square root of 24 is NOT an integer. An integer is a whole number, and the square root of 24 is 4.89897948557.
No - 24 is not the perfect square of an integer. Rounded to five decimal places, sqrt(24) = 4.89898.
24 is an integer. As a fraction, it is 24/1.24 is an integer. As a fraction, it is 24/1.24 is an integer. As a fraction, it is 24/1.24 is an integer. As a fraction, it is 24/1.
Any number of the form 24k where k is an integer can be divided by 24 without remainder.
Yes - if you do an integer division, you get no remainder. If you divide with a calculator, you get a whole number - no decimals.
No, the square root of 24 is NOT an integer. An integer is a whole number, and the square root of 24 is 4.89897948557.
No - 24 is not the perfect square of an integer. Rounded to five decimal places, sqrt(24) = 4.89898.
find number of integer solution of X1+x2+x3=24
24 is an integer. As a fraction, it is 24/1.24 is an integer. As a fraction, it is 24/1.24 is an integer. As a fraction, it is 24/1.24 is an integer. As a fraction, it is 24/1.
Any number of the form 24k where k is an integer can be divided by 24 without remainder.
It is a natural number an integer a rational number a real number. It is also an even number, a composite number.
It is an irrational number because it can't be expressed as a fraction
Any number of the form 24*k, where k is an integer, is evenly divisible.
It is any number of the form 120*k where k is an integer.
-24/4 = -6 -6 is an integer.
It is any number of the form 24*n where n is an integer.
Yes - if you do an integer division, you get no remainder. If you divide with a calculator, you get a whole number - no decimals.