17 is a prime number but 68 is Composite.
68 is a composite number because it has more than two factors and it is not a prime or a square number
71 is prime.
It is 17.
17 is prime and 68 is 17 times 4, so the number that can go into 17 and 68 is 17.
68 is not prime. 68 = 2 * 2 * 17
68 is composite and 79 is prime
68 is a Composite Number.
17 is a prime number but 68 is Composite.
68 is a composite number because it has more than two factors and it is not a prime or a square number
71 is prime.
The sum of the prime numbers 2, 5, and 61 is 68.
It is 17.
No, it is composite.
79 is prime.
2 x 2 x 17 = 68
A prime number is one that only has factors of 1 and its self (3 is a prime number because you can only multiply 1 and 3 to get it). Since you can multiply 1 and 68, 2 and 34 or 4 and 17 to get 68 it is not a prime number.