

Best Answer

The Kettle Valley Steam Railway is a heritage railway near Summerland, British Columbia.

The KVSR operates excursion trains over the only remaining section of the Kettle Valley Railway through beautiful vistas, orchards, vineyards, and over the 238 feet (73 m) tall Trout Creek Trestle. Trains depart at 10:30 and 1:30 Sat-Mon during the spring and fall and Thurs-Mon through July and August. Check the schedule for special events such as the Great Train Robbery and the Christmas Express.

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Q: Is the number of MRI units in a city a discrete variable or a continuous variable?
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Is number of purchase made in a month a discrete or continuous variable?

Discrete as you cannot have half a purchase and do not need to use a measuring device.- Discrete : Information that is counted or measured in distinct separate units eg. kids in a family, books on a shelf- Continuous : Information measured along a continuous scale, requiring a measuring device eg. height, temperature, mass

What is the difference between discrete and continuous?

These terms are normally used in the context of [statistical] variables. A discrete variable is one which can take only a finite (or countably infinite) number of values. These can be whole numbers but could also be half-units, such as for European shoe sizes, or men's shirt collar sizes. A continuous variable is one which can take any value over a range.In normal use, though, the distinction is sometimes blurred. Time, for example, is normally regarded as continuous but people usually give their ages in whole numbers.

Is movie reviews a discrete variable?

I would have to say so, since there are fixed units assigned (stars and half stars) and a limited number of responses possible. If you could give any amount of stars ( like 2.923 stars) then it would not be a discrete variable.

Is money discrete or continuous data?

Both. When we use money for purchases, it is in discrete units, so many dollars and cents. When we use money in calculations, it is a continuous value, and we have to use rounding to get discrete values. Example: I go to the store and buy a bag of coffee for $5.40. I must give the person 5 dollars and 40 cents. This is a discrete value. But if there's sales tax, let say 7%, this tax comes to $0.378 so we round up to $0.38 as the tax that is due.

What is the Difference between attribute and variable sampling?

The main difference in taking the samples is that for a variable sample, measurements of a characteristic of interest are taken, and for an attribute sample, one counts the number of units having or not having specific properties (mostly good/bad or number of flaws). Generally, attribute samples are much larger than variable samples and to be useful, need to be very large, when the proportion of bad units (or flaws) is very small.

Related questions

Is family size a continuous variable?

No, this is a discrete variable since it can assume only whole number values: 0, 1, 2, 3, ... . A continuous variable would be one such as volume of water in a swimming pool which could be measured in real number units of volume.

Is number of purchase made in a month a discrete or continuous variable?

Discrete as you cannot have half a purchase and do not need to use a measuring device.- Discrete : Information that is counted or measured in distinct separate units eg. kids in a family, books on a shelf- Continuous : Information measured along a continuous scale, requiring a measuring device eg. height, temperature, mass

What is discrete and continuous?

Discrete means tangible units (In statistics it is individual units in a data). Continuous is a linear/series in ascending/descending form/order of individual units. (In statistics it is the continuous series of unit data)

How can you identify continuous variables on a line graph?

With great difficulty. This is because if the variable is recorded by people, it will be rounded. That process will make it discrete - even if the underlying variable is continuous.For example, time is a continuous variable, but time is normally recorded in seconds. At track events it may be measured in hundredths of seconds and in some labs in much smaller units. Nevertheless it will always be in discrete "chunks".

Is salary a discrete or continuous variable?

Continuous * * * * * Actually, it is discrete. In most countries that I can think of the currency has a major unit that is divided into 100 smaller units: dollars + cents, pounds + pence, Euros + cents, Rupees + paise etc. You cannot have anyone earning between two consecutive numbers of the smaller unit. For example, between 1234.56 and 1234.57 units of currency.

What do continuous and discrete mean?

Something which is continuous is something which does not stop, have any pauses, breaks or is attached together in repeated units. Something which is discrete is something which separate, distinct from everything else and is not attached together in repeated units.

What is the difference between discrete and continuous?

These terms are normally used in the context of [statistical] variables. A discrete variable is one which can take only a finite (or countably infinite) number of values. These can be whole numbers but could also be half-units, such as for European shoe sizes, or men's shirt collar sizes. A continuous variable is one which can take any value over a range.In normal use, though, the distinction is sometimes blurred. Time, for example, is normally regarded as continuous but people usually give their ages in whole numbers.

Is movie reviews a discrete variable?

I would have to say so, since there are fixed units assigned (stars and half stars) and a limited number of responses possible. If you could give any amount of stars ( like 2.923 stars) then it would not be a discrete variable.

Can you distinguish between discrete and continuous variables in statistics?

Quick way to think about the difference: Discrete variables have to be measured in whole numbers; typically you can't have fractions of discrete variables. Continuous variables can be measured, if desired, to very fine levels of accuracy and are typically not thought of as being measured in whole numbers. Example: How many drinking glasses do you own? Your answer will be a whole number. A fraction of a drinking glass has no meaning, unless you're counting broken glasses. How much water is in that glass? Your answer could be finely measured over any number of different scales, to any number of decimal places. Amount of water would be a continuous variabe in this case. There are various ways to use and measure variables, so it depends on your research need. For example, water might be a discrete variable if you are using 8 ounce sealed bottles of water as your units.

What is variable cost?

A variable cost is the cost that changes with the number of units produced.

Is land area interval variable?

Yes, land area is considered an interval variable because it can be measured on a continuous scale with equal units between values.

Are deliver costs considered an variable cost?

If delivery cost changes with the number of units of product sold then it is variable cost.