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Q: Is the number of hits to a website in a day discrete or continuous?
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How many years apart are 1992 and 1996?

This question hits upon the important distinction between continuous and discrete quantities. If I want to know the difference between 2 apples and 6 apples, the answer is not difficult to determine, and few would argue that 4 apples is at least a strong and defensible answer. Number of apples is 'discrete'. For ordinary discussions, you either have one whole apple, or you have none. (Put cutting them up aside for another discussion). Years are not discrete, but continuous; they flow over time and you can have any number of fractions of a year, depending on how fine you want your units of time to be. From the beginning of January 1 1992 until the end of December 31 1996, you have the passage of 5 full years. From June 1 1992 until June 1 1996, you have the passage of 4 full years; This would be true for any start and end dates that are the same month and day. Four is also the difference you would get if you are looking at the integers 1992 and 1996 on the number line. Interesting to note that the number line answer incorporates the full range of only one of the numbers. From the last moments of 1992 until the first moments of 1996, there is the passage of 3 full years, plus a few moments. Or, there are 3 full years between the two, excluding any moments of either. So you have to do some thinking, and decide how you are defining your terms before you derive the answer.

What is a counter?

The word counter has many connotations:A conuter is an object, particularly a small disc, used as a marker in games.A counter is someone who counts or calculates.A counter is a surface on which work can take place, particularly in a kitchen.In computing terms, a counter can be used on a website to keep track of the number of hits a website has received.

What is the number to 106.9 k hits?


What is 9 NOH for A?

This is a Ditloid. The answer is, 9 Number One Hits for Abba

How many number 1 hits have n-dubz had?

they have not yet had a number one single, but two number 1 albums. however dappy on behalf of fazer and tulisa featured on number one which lived up to its name and became number one!

Related questions

Can likert scale be a continuous variable?

As it's commonly used, with each point representing a number, it's not a continuous variable. For example, if someone hits a radio button for disagree=2, then it's a discrete variable. If, however, interval choices between points are allowed by the setting, then the scale is measured and the numbers are assigned as fractions or decimals such as 1.88, it becomes a continuous variable, although still ordinal in nature as one can not infer a set ratio between each response.

What is hits in computer terms?

"Hits" is usually a website term meaning the number of people who found your website based on a search engine keyword

What do most companies use to measure success of website?

Success can be measured in many ways. Depends on the purpose of the website. If the site is informational, then the number of hits, new hits, or number of pages viewed would be appropriate. For an e-commerce site, the number of sales, amount of sales, and number of returning hits would be a few appropriate measures.

How does web search enginge optimization affect marketing campaigns?

It greatly affects the number of hits that a website can generate. More hits means more exposure. This gives the website a larger market.

What are hits on the Internet?

Hits are the amount of times a website is visited. If a website gets a lot of hits, then it is a popular site. Advertisers will want to have their ads on a busy website. Answer:A hit is a request to a web server for a file (web page, image, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheet, etc.). When a web page is uploaded from a server the number of "hits" or "page hits" is equal to the number of files requested. Therefore, one page load does not always equal one hit because often pages are made up of other images and other files which stack up the number of hits counted.

Website hits how to check how many hits a website GETS? How accurate is Statbrain?Statbrain estimates the number of visits that a website has based on offsite factors like backlinks, Alexa Rank etc. Statbrain does not have access to log files or any counter information. The number of visits that Statbrain estimates gives you an idea of the number of visits that a website has, but not the exact visitor number. Visits not unique visitorsThe number that Statbrain estimates is visits. It is also known as visitor sessions and indicates the number of visits that a website has. The number is not the same as unique visitors which usually is a bit lower. Visits should not be mixed up with hits or page views which are entirely different numbers.

What is the best way to add hits to a website?

Write Articles frequently for your website & get more backlinks by doing white hat can easily get more hits to a website.

Was MC hammer famous in the 1960s?

No, Not in my poinion. He made songs before u can't touch this, that were good hits.

How many years apart are 1992 and 1996?

This question hits upon the important distinction between continuous and discrete quantities. If I want to know the difference between 2 apples and 6 apples, the answer is not difficult to determine, and few would argue that 4 apples is at least a strong and defensible answer. Number of apples is 'discrete'. For ordinary discussions, you either have one whole apple, or you have none. (Put cutting them up aside for another discussion). Years are not discrete, but continuous; they flow over time and you can have any number of fractions of a year, depending on how fine you want your units of time to be. From the beginning of January 1 1992 until the end of December 31 1996, you have the passage of 5 full years. From June 1 1992 until June 1 1996, you have the passage of 4 full years; This would be true for any start and end dates that are the same month and day. Four is also the difference you would get if you are looking at the integers 1992 and 1996 on the number line. Interesting to note that the number line answer incorporates the full range of only one of the numbers. From the last moments of 1992 until the first moments of 1996, there is the passage of 3 full years, plus a few moments. Or, there are 3 full years between the two, excluding any moments of either. So you have to do some thinking, and decide how you are defining your terms before you derive the answer.

How does one sign up for adsense and in what ways can it increase a website's revenue?

"AdSense is a Google product, you can activate it on Google's AdSense page with your website's URL. You will need to place the AdSense code in your website somewhere. It determines your payment based on the number of hits your website gets and how many people click on the ads."

How can you find out what website has the most hits?


Where can one watch some big NFL hits?

You can watch some big NFL hits online from the official NFL website. Alternatively, you can find big NFL hits available at the official YouTube website.