

Best Answer

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Define opposite. A case could be made for say, 3 and -3, but a case could also be made for 3 and 1/3 or 3 and other things that aren't 3.

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Q: Is the opposite number of a positive number a negative number?
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When a negative number is subtracted from a positive number is the difference always positive?

Yes, a negative number subtracted from a positive number will always be positive. Subtracting a negative number is the same as adding the opposite of the negative number. The opposite of a negative number is always positive. A positive number plus a positive number is always positive.

What the meaning of opposite in maths for kids to understand?

opposites somehow like a positive number is the opposite of a negative and a negative number is the opposite of a positive

What is the opposite of a positive number?

A negative number?

What is The opposite of a negative number?

ill say a positive number

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A negative number is the opposite of a positive number. If a positive number measures the money you have, then a negative number measures the money you owe. If you multiply two negative numbers together, you are getting the opposite of an opposite. One negative negates the other, leaving you with a positive.

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It depends on what you mean by an opposite. Every real number has an additive opposite but 0 does not have a multiplicative opposite.

The opposite of a negative number is?

Are you serious? A positive number.

When a number is positive?

A positive number is any number above zero. A negative number is any number below zero. Zero is not a positive or a negative number. A number's opposite is just the negative. For example: 8's opposite is -8 (negative 8). Hope this helped!

Can a positive have an opposite?

Any positive numbers opposite is the same number just as a negative.

Why is the reciprocal of the opposite of a nonzero number the opposite of the reciprocal of the number?

Taking the reciprocal (multiplicative inverse) does not affect the positive or negative status of an integer. So the reciprocal of a negative number is negative and the reciprocal of a positive number is positive. The reciprocals will be opposites (positive/negative) just as the original numbers were.

The opposite number of positive number is a negative number?

Yes, and the opposite holds true as well.

Can a negative sign can be read as the opposite of?

It is the sign that is opposite, not the number But if the number magnitude is the same, it is correct to say that ,for example, negative 6 is the opposite of positive six. But negative 4 is not the opposite of negative 8, for example