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No, it usually is not.

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Q: Is the output variable the independent variable?
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Related questions

Why is the output value called the dependent variable?

because it can change according to the independent variable. this dependent variable depends on the independent variable for its output. the independent variable is not affected by the dependent variable because the independent variable if found out first.

What is the output of a function a variable whose value depends on the input or independent variable?

the output variable is called the dependent variable. For example the function y = f(x) = 3x here x is independent and y is dependent; y changes when you change x

What is the input variable called in algebra?

the input variable is called the independent variable and the output variable is called the dependent variable.

The input variable is called the what variable?

The independent variable. The output variable is dependent on this variable's value and so is called the dependent variable.

Do the dependent variable act as the input of a function and the independent variable act as the output of the function?


Is Y the input in the line graph?

Usually x (independent) variable is the input and y (dependent variable) is the output.

Is X the input in the line graph?

Usually x (independent) variable is the input and y (dependent variable) is the output.

Is the dependent variable also known as the output variable?

Yes, the dependent variable is also known as the output variable because it is the variable that is being measured or observed in an experiment or study. The value of the dependent variable depends on the independent variable(s) in the study.

What is an Dependent varible?

Variables used in an experiment or modelling can be divided into three types: "dependent variable", "independent variable", or other.The "dependent variable" represents the output or effect, or is tested to see if it is the effect.The "independent variables" represent the inputs or causes, or are tested to see if they are the cause. Other variables may also be observed for various reasons.

What is the meaning of dipendent variable?

I hope this helps you out a lot. If you are asking what a dependent variable is, here is your answer: A dependent variable is a variable which would be the output of the experiment. The value of the dependent variable depends on the value of the independent variable. If you are asking what a dependent variable does, here is your answer: A dependent variable shows you the output of the experiment. It shows you the independent variable's function. If you have learned that in Math, you should understand. Source(s): I'm a Science and Math whiz.

What is the manipulating variable the dependent variable or the independent variable?

The independent variable.

The variable which is deliberately changed in experiment?

The variable deliberately changed in an experiment is called the independent variable. This variable is manipulated by the researcher to observe its effects on the dependent variable, which is the outcome or response being measured. By controlling and changing the independent variable, researchers can determine its influence on the dependent variable.