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Q: Is the payment term 60 days DA is safe for exporter?
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What does 30 days nett monthly mean?

It's a payment term meaning: payment due 30 days from the end of the month in which the invoice is raised. It's a payment term meaning: payment due 30 days from the end of the month in which the invoice is raised.

What does 31 days nett payment mean?

It's a payment term meaning: payment due 30 days from the end of the month in which the invoice is raised.

What does payment term CF 30 days mean?

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open account 30 days..

What is meant by payment term OA 60 days?

OA = open account

What does payment term Net 30 days mean?

Means it should be paid in full withen 30 days.

What means Payment terms 30 days eom?

The phrase 30 days EOM stands for 30 days End of Month. A payment term that is granted as a 30 day EOM typically has a total of 45 days for the length of the credit.

What does net monthly 30 day mean?

It's a payment term meaning: payment due 30 days from the end of the month in which the invoice is raised

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The term 2 15th prox net 30 terms is an accounting term indicating when payment is due. The payment for this would be that half is due on the 15th of the month and the balance due in 30 days.

What is buyer's credit?

A financial arrangement in which a bank or financial institution, or an export credit agency in the exporting country, extends a loan directly to a foreign buyer or to a bank in the importing country to pay for the purchase of goods and services from the exporting country. Also known as financial credit. This term does not refer to credit extended directly from the buyer to the seller (for example, through advance payment for goods and services). The Practicla example is that foreign Bank makes payment to exporter based on either Letter of Undertaking from the Importer bank or based on their risk on Importer. Letter of Undertaking is simply confirmation by a bank here in importer country to pay to exporter bank thus exporter bank risk get reduced. The Letter of undertaking is issued by Importer bank on the basis of risk on Importer. Simply , Importer Bank takes risk on Importer , This bank sends LOU to exporter bank which in turn takes risk on Imprter bank and makes payment. On fimal day Importer bank recover money from importer and makes payment to exporter bank. This all exercise is done to exploit existance of interest rate arbitrage.

What does Net 10 days?

"Net 10 Days" means payment is due in 10 days. Which is normally from date of invoice and with goods already in transit. For this instance the terms would be: Net 10 Days from date of Invoice If you do not want to ship goods prior to payment you would use the above term and add "Prior to Shipment".

What is meant by payment term DA 60 days?

DA stands for Documents against Acceptance. This term means that the buyer will receive the shipping documents from the seller upon acceptance of a draft or bill of exchange. The payment is due 60 days after the buyer accepts the documents.