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Q: Is the phenomenon of dilatancy more in plane strain problems when compared to axis symmetric problems?
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What drawbacks to symmetric and asymmetric encryption are resolved by using a hybrid method?

You can actually use both; the problem with symmetric encryption is how to get the shared key to someone else in a secure manner.The problem with asymmetric encryption is that it is too slow to be used to general communications.So, using both can solve the problems of drawbacks to just using one or the other.

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Ozone depletion is a very harmful phenomenon. It can cause problems like skin cancer and eye cataract.

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It refers to the phenomenon where French people have low incidences of Coronary heart disease or other cardiovascular problems while consuming a diet rich in oils and fats compared to Americans where we have a high incidence of Coronary heart disease and cardiovascular issues with the same fat content in foods. This paradox has been attributed to the benefit of drinking red wine as it is cardioprotective.

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The Chevy truck has the least mechanical problems as compared to the Ford and the Dodge trucks.

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The evaluation of potential problems compared to the expected advantages is called cost-benefit analysis. This is a scientific method that analyzes the potential risks of a situation to see if they will outweigh the benefits. The process can be used for many areas of business, including technology.

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i think adults will face more problem as they have weak neuro mascular co-ordination ...

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In my opinion, as it stands right now Ford seems to have the best prospects of surviving. The have had and do have their share of problems now and in the past however nowhere near to the problems of GM and Chrysler.

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Compared to the United States, Algeria is not stable. There were political riots in 1988. Over 200,000, lost their lives in the civil war. However it has been stable since and has not had the Arab Spring problems of other countries near it.

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A problem is an issue or obstacle that needs to be addressed or solved, whereas a hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon that is yet to be tested and proven. Problems highlight a challenge, while hypotheses suggest a possible solution or cause.

What is wrong with Justin Bieber fans?

Nothing extra. They have the same problems as everyone else. Compared as a group to the average, there may be some excessive idol worship, but that's about it.