Neither 50 nor 51 are prime numbers.
51 to the nearest tens is 50.
61 is a prime number. 49 is not a prime number as it is divisible by 7. 51 is not a prime number as it is divisible by 3.
51 is not a prime number: 3x17=51
Neither 50 nor 51 are prime numbers.
51 to the nearest tens is 50.
To round 50.67 to the nearest whole number, we look at the digit in the tenths place, which is 6. Since 6 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up the whole number. Therefore, rounding 50.67 to the nearest whole number gives us 51.
It is 53
It can be. 50 is relatively prime to 51.
No, 51 is not a prime number. A prime number is a number that has only itself and 1 as a factor. 51's factors are 1,3,17, and 51.
61 is a prime number. 49 is not a prime number as it is divisible by 7. 51 is not a prime number as it is divisible by 3.
51 is not a prime number: 3x17=51