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Q: Is the product of two pure imaginary numbers a real number?
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Is the product of two imaginary numbers always a pure imaginary number?


Can a complex number be imaginary?

Yes, imaginary numbers are a subset of complex numbers.

Is Every complex number is a pure imaginary number?

No. All Complex Numbers are of the form a + bi where a and b are Real Numbers and i is the square root of -1. So only ones where a = 0 are pure Imaginary Numbers.

A complex number might not be a pure imaginary number?

True. Complex numbers have a real part and an imaginary part. If either one of these is zero, the complex number will be a pure real or a pure imaginary.

Is every complex number a pure imaginary number?

No. For example the number 1+i. Pure imaginary complex numbers are of the form 0 + a*i, where a is a non-zero real number.

Can a complex number can't be a pure imaginary number?

A complex number can be a pure imaginary, or a pure real number, or a combination of the two. The form for a complex number is a + bi, where a & b can be any real numbers (so if a = 0, then the number is pure imaginary; and if b=0, then it is a real number).

What are pure imaginary numbers?

complex numbers with no real partif any complex number z can be written a + i bthen pure imaginary numbers have a=0 and b not equal to 0

Can a number be imaginary but not pure imaginary?

Yes. The number 1 + i is imaginary but not pure imaginary, while 5i is pure imaginary.

Are imaginary and complex numbers the same?

No. A complex number is a number that has both a real part and an imaginary part. Technically, a pure imaginary number ... which has no real part ... is not a complex number.

Is every real number a complex number?

A complex number is a number of the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the principal square root of -1. In the special case where b=0, a+0i=a. Hence every real number is also a complex number. And in the special case where a=0, we call those numbers pure imaginary numbers. Note that 0=0+0i, therefore 0 is both a real number and a pure imaginary number. Do not confuse the complex numbers with the pure imaginary numbers. Every real number is a complex number and every pure imaginary number is a complex number also.

Is the product of two imaginary numbers always an imaginary number?

If you are talking about pure imaginary numbers (a complex number with no real part) then no. Example: bi times ci where b and c are real numbers equals b*c*i² = b*c*(-1) = -b*c, which is a real number, because b & c & -1 are all real numbers. If you're talking about multiplying two complex numbers (a + bi)*(c + di), then the product will be complex, but it could be real or imaginary, depending on the values of a, b, c, & d.

Is the difference of a complex number and its conjugate a real imaginary or pure imaginary number?

It is a pure imaginary number.Since (a+bi)-(a-bi) = 2bi, it is a pure imaginary number (it has no real component).