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No. A scalar matrix is a diagonal matrix whose main diagonal elements are the same. Only if the diagonal elements are all 1 is it an identity matrix.

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Q: Is the scalar matrix is always a identity matrix?
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What is a matrix and a scalar?

A matrix and a scalar is a matrix. S + M1 = M2. A scalar is a real number whose square is positive. A matrix is an array of numbers, some of which are scalars and others are vectors, square of the number is negative. A matrix can be a quaternion, the sum of a scalars and three vectors.

What are the Idiosyncrasies of matrix algebra?

idiosyncrasies of matrix are the differences between matrix algebra and scalar one. i'll give a few examples. 1- in algebra AB=BA which sometimes doesn't hold in calculation of matrix. 2- if AB=0, scalar algebra says, either A, B or both A and B are equal to zero. this also doesn't hold in matrix algebra sometimes. 3- CD=CE taking that c isn't equal to 0, then D and # must be equal in scalar algebra. Matrix again tend to deviate from this identity. its to be noted that these deviations from scalar algebra arise due to calculations involving singular matrices.

How do you multiply a matrix by a scale?

Multiply each element of the matrix by the scalar.

What is the definition of identity matrix?

Identity or Unit Matrix If in the scaler matrix the value of k=1, the matrix is called the identity or unit matrix. It is denoted by I or U.

What is A constant by which a matrix is multiplied?

It is a scalar multiplier.

How matrix are different from scalar?

A scalar is any single number, like 27, while a matrix contains at least 2 numbers such as [27, 3].

What type of matrix is a vector?

Vector matrix has both size and direction. There are different types of matrix namely the scalar matrix, the symmetric matrix, the square matrix and the column matrix.

How are the inverse matrix and identity matrix related?

If an identity matrix is the answer to a problem under matrix multiplication, then each of the two matrices is an inverse matrix of the other.

How do you multiply a matrix by a scalar that is a non integer?

In the same way!

C program to read and print a scalar matrix?

Here is the C program to check whether the inputted matrix is scalar matrix or not. ( its not my creation, its get from other website,am not check) #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int a[10][10],i,j,m,n,f=0; printf("Enter the order of the matrix\n"); scanf("%d%d",&m,&n); printf("Enter the matrix\n"); for(i=0;i<m;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) { scanf("%d",&a[i][j]); } } if(m!=n) { printf("The matrix is not identity"); } else { for(i=0;i<m;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) { if((i==j&&a[i][j]!=a[0][0])(i!=j&&a[i][j]!=0)) { printf("The matrix is not scalar\n"); f=1; break; } } if(f==1) { break; } } if(f==0) { printf("The matrix is scalar\n"); } } getch(); return 0; }

What is performing addition subtraction and scalar multiplication of matrices?

Matrix arithmetic

How do you call a matrix that if you multiplied it by the original matrix you would get the identity matrix?

That is called an inverse matrix