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No, because is n=1, the electron is in the first energy level, therefore cannot have a l=2, because l= n-1. Or more simply put l=2 is a d-orbital, and there are no d-orbitals in the first energy level. ml=0 is correct because ml= +-l through 0.

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Q: Is the set of quantum numbers of n equals 2 l equals 2 ml equals 0 allowed?
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The set of quantum numbers for nitrogen can be written as follows: n=2, l=1, ml=0, ms= +1/2 or -1/2. This corresponds to the second energy level, p orbital, zero magnetic quantum number, and either spin up or down.

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The allowable sets of quantum numbers are n (principal quantum number), l (azimuthal quantum number), ml (magnetic quantum number), and ms (spin quantum number). n determines the energy level and size of an orbital, l determines the shape of an orbital, ml determines the orientation of an orbital in space, and ms determines the spin of an electron in an orbital. Each set of quantum numbers must follow specific rules based on the principles of quantum mechanics.

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