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Yes, but only when the coefficient of y is 1.

For example if the equation of the line is 3y = 2x + 5, then the slope is not 2.

The equation has to be re-written as y = 2/3*x + 5/3 whence the slope IS 2/3

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Q: Is the slope of a line the coefficient of the x term in the line's equation?
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The "slope-intercept" form of a line is an equation of the form:y = mx + b The "m" term - the coefficient you are asking for - is the slope of the line. The "b" is the y-intercept.

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The "slope-intercept" form of a line is an equation of the form:y = mx + b The "m" term - the coefficient you are asking for - is the slope of the line. The "b" is the y-intercept.

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The "slope-intercept" form of a line is an equation of the form:y = mx + b The "m" term - the coefficient you are asking for - is the slope of the line. The "b" is the y-intercept.

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In the slope-intercept equation for a line the coefficient of the x-term gives the .?

The coefficient of the x term gives the gradient of the slope.

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The coefficient of x changes as the slope changes.

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The equation provided does not have a defined slope. The slope of a line is determined by the coefficient of the x-term in the equation, but there is none in the given equation.

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