

Is the square of 32 rational?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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6y ago

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The square root of 32 is not a rational number

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Q: Is the square of 32 rational?
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Is the square root of 32 a rational number?

No, because 32 is not a perfect square.

Is square root of 32 a rational number?


Is the square root of 32 rational?

sqrt(32) = 4sqrt(2) The square root of '2' is irrational, so the square root of '32' is irrational.

Is square root of 32 rational or irrational?

It is irrational.

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It is an irrational number

Is the square root of 32numbers rational or irrational?

The square root of 32 is an irrational number

Is the square root of 32 an irrational or a rational number?

The square root of a positive integer can ONLY be:* Either an integer, * Or an irrational number. (The proof of this is basically the same as the proof, in high school algebra books, that the square root of 2 is irrational.) Since in this case 32 is not the square of an integer, it therefore follows that its square root is an irrational number.

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The square root of 32 isn't rational, so it can't be a fraction.

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What is a perfect square or square numbers?

A perfect square is the square of an integer, for example, 32 = 9. It might also be the square of a rational number, like the square of 1/2, of 2/3, etc.

Are all square roots rational numbers?

No. Lots of square roots are not rational. Only the square roots of perfect square numbers are rational. So for example, the square root of 2 is not rational and the square root of 4 is rational.

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The square roots are irrational.