11 is the square root
The square root of 125 is 11.180
Square root of 125 is an irrational number and its approximate value is 11.180. So it lies between 11 and 12.
The square root of 125 is an irrational number and it is about 11.18 rounded to two decimal places
11 is the square root
The square root of 125 in radical form is 5 x (square root of 5).
The square root of 125 is 11.180
The square root of 15625 is ±125 because 125 X 125= 15625.
All prime numbers have irrational number square roots, so if you try to find the square root of a non-perfect square number use them to simplify it. For example, ±√125 = ±√25*5 = ±5√5 (when you want to show both the square roots) √72 = √36*2 = 6√2 √-27 = √-9*3 = 3i√3
11.180339....11.18 rounds to 11.2.The square root of 125 is about 11.18
The cube root of 125 is 5; the square of 5 is 25.