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Q: Is the square root of five bigger than square root of nine?
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How does five and nine make two?

The square root of 9-5 equals 2.

What is the square root of 5 times 5?

The square root of (five times five) is five. Since five times five is twenty five, the square root of that will be five. Also -5 is a possible answer for the square root. If the question is (square root of 5) times 5, then that's the same as square root of 125, which is approx 11.1803 and -11.1803

What is the square root of five plus the square root of five?

The sqare root of 20.

Is 1.1 bigger than the square root of 2?

No because square root of 2 is bigger

Is the square root of nine an irrational number?

The square root of nine is three, and that is not an irrational number.

What is a square root of forty nine?

the square root is 7

What is the value of the square root of twenty minus the square root of five plus the square root of forty-five four times the square root of five te?

pi it's so easy

How do you do square roots with negatives?

Treat it like a positive and add an i. Explanation: The square root of negative nine is equal to the square root of nine times negative one is equal to the square root of nine times the square root of negative one. The square root of negative one represented by an italic lower case i. The square root of negative nine is 3i. √-9 = √9 * -1 = √9 * √-1 = 3i

Square root of nine?

th squrae root of nine is 3

What is the difference between a square of a number and the square root of a number?

The square root of a number is the inverse of the square. For example, three squared equals nine, so the square root of nine is equal to three.

What is the square root of minus nine?

it is 3i and imaginary where i = square root of -1

What is negative two on the square root of twenty plus positive on the square root of five?
