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Q: Is the stay outside the us should be 6 months in a calendar year or a continuos stay of 6 months like September to April?
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How October September got their names?

September and October were orgininally the seventh (sept) and eighth (oct) months in the calendar. Julius Caesar, and Augustus Caesar both wanted months named after them - so July (for Julius) and August (for Augustus were inserted into the calendar - moving both September and October back two months.

What are the months of the Sikh calendar?

1. Chet has 31 days and according to the Gregorian calendar it comes in the months of March-April 2. Vaisakhhas 31 days and according to the Gregorian calendar it comes in the months of April-June 3. Jeth has 31 days and according to the Gregorian calendar it comes in the months of June-July 4. Harh has 31 days and according to the Gregorian calendar it comes in the months of July-August 5. Sawan has 31 days and according to the Gregorian calendar it comes in the months of August-September 6. Bhadon has 30 days and according to the Gregorian calendar it comes in the months of September-October 7. Assu has 30 days and according to the Gregorian calendar it comes in the months of September-October 8. Katak has 30 days and according to the Gregorian it comes in the months of October-November 9. Maghar has 30 days and according to the Gregorian calendar it comes in the months of November-December 10. Poh has 30 days and according to the Gregorian calendar it comes in the months of December-January 11. Magh has 30 days and according to the Gregorian calendar it comes in the months of January-Febuary 12. Phagun has 30/31 days and according to the Gregorian calendar it comes in the months of Febuary-March Gregorian Calendar: Is the calendar that we use for our day to day lives; the calendar that we refer to.

What is the name of the ninth month?

There are 12 months in the calendar year under the Gregorian Calendar. September is the 9th of the 12 months, the other months of the year are as given: January February March April May June July August September October November December September derives its name from the old Roman calender where it was the 7th of 10 months, ("Sept" in Latin means seven). September also always begins on the same day of the week as December on any particular year, due to there being 91 days separating the beginnings of both months.

Which month does yom kipour occor?

Yom Kippur occurs on the 10th of Tishrei on the Jewish calendar. The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar in that all months begin with the new moon, but leap months are added to keep the calendar aligned with the seasons. As a result, Yom Kippur occurs between mid September and mid October in the civil calendar.

Part of the calendar that is always capitalized?

Days of the week, months of the year, and holidays are always capitalized in a calendar.

How many calendar months are there in a year?

12 months in the Gregorian calendar.

What number months were September October November and December originally?

The four names are the Roman calendar names meaning "seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth" months. Originally the Roman calendar had 10 months that began in spring and did not include the first 61 winter days in a year.

Why are September October November and December misnomers?

They are the Roman calendar names meaning "seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth" months. Originally the Roman calendar had 10 months that began in spring and did not include the first 61 winter days in a year.

Which months have 30 days each year?

In the Gregorian calendar, April, June, September, and November have 30 days each.

What months do not have 31 days?

February, April, June, September and November. But that is only in the Gregorian calendar. There are many other calendars.

Why do months end in ember?

The suffix "-ember" is derived from Latin words such as "September" from "septem" meaning seven and "November" from "novem" meaning nine. Originally, the Roman calendar started in March, making September the seventh month and November the ninth. Over time, changes were made to the calendar, but the names of the months remained.

What calendar has 15 months?

a cool calendar!