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Leaving aside the effects of pressure, yes, the temperatures are the same. But the amount of heat (thermal energy) per gram, is much greater for the steam.

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Q: Is the temp of steam at 100 degrees celsius same as 100 degrees celsius water?
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What has the same temperature as the condensation point of steam?

The same temperature as the condensation point of steam is the boiling point of water, which is 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) at standard atmospheric pressure. At this temperature, water changes from its gaseous state (steam) to its liquid state (water).

What is the unit of dry saturated steam?

The unit of dry saturated steam is typically measured in temperature units such as degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, as it represents the state of steam when it is at its saturation point and in equilibrium with liquid water at the same temperature.

Is zero degrees celsius the same as zero degrees Fahrenheit?

No, zero degrees Celsius is not the same as zero degrees Fahrenheit. Zero degrees Celsius is the freezing point of water, while zero degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to -17.8 degrees Celsius.

Why would Steam at 100 degree celsius burn worse than that of liquid water AT the same temperature?

Steam at 100 degrees Celsius contains more heat energy compared to liquid water at the same temperature. When steam comes into contact with skin, it releases this extra heat quickly, causing more severe burns compared to liquid water of the same temperature.

Is the heat intensity of water at 100 degrees celsius the same as the heat intensity of water 212 degrees Fahrenheit?

100 degrees celsius are equal to 212 degrees fahrenheit.

Is zero degrees celsius the same as 100 degrees Fahrenheit?

No. Zero degrees Celsius is equivalent to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. It is the freezing point of water.

What is the melting point and boiling point of water?

Water, in the form of ice, melts (same as freezing point) at 0 degrees centigrade (or 32 degrees Fahrenheit); in the form of steam, it boils at 100 degrees centigrade (212 degrees Fahrenheit). These numbers are standardized numbers, and are actually estimates, as they are dependent on atmospheric pressure affected by altitude, and certain other factors.

Is kelvins the same as degrees celsius?

No, kelvins and degrees Celsius are not the same. Kelvin is an absolute temperature scale where 0K is absolute zero, while degrees Celsius is based on the melting and boiling points of water. To convert from Celsius to kelvin, you add 273.15 to the Celsius value.

Why does steam at 100 degrees Celsius do more damage to the skin than water at 100 degrees Celsius?

Steam at 100 degrees Celsius has more energy due to its phase change from liquid to gas, which causes it to transfer more heat to the skin upon contact. This can lead to more severe burns compared to water at the same temperature, which remains in the liquid state and does not transfer heat as efficiently.

Is steam hotter than boiling water?

No, steam is the gaseous form of water at or above its boiling point, which is 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit). Boiling water is liquid water at its boiling point. Both steam and boiling water are at the same temperature.

What is the boiling point of vinegar in degrees Celsius?

The boiling point of vinegar, which is primarily acetic acid and water, is around 100 degrees Celsius, the same as water.

What temperature Celsius does water freezes?

Pure water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius when at sea level (1 atm, or 760 torr). It boils at 100 degrees Celsius under the same conditions.The freezing temperature of water is 0 degrees Celcius.