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Not necessarily.

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Q: Is the union of two nonconvex sets nonconvex?
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What is a mathematical process in which sets are combined?

The union of two sets.The union of two sets.The union of two sets.The union of two sets.

what is union of two sets?

the union of two sets A and b is the set of elements which are in s in B,or in both A and B

Is triangle is a convex or nonconvex?

A triangle is normally nonconvex on a flat surface

What is the combination of two sets?

The combination of two sets is the Union of the sets and contains all the elements of both sets.

Is the union of two convex sets a non-convex set?

the union of two convex sets need not be a convex set.

Do the intersection of two sets always contains a smaller number of terms than the union of two sets?

No, because the intersection of two equivalent sets will have a union the same size as its intersection.

In math what does the union of two sets mean?

The union of two sets A and B is a set that consists of all elements which are either in A, or in B or in both.

What is the definition of union in math?

A union of two sets is the set that contains all the elements that are in any of the original sets.

What is for two sets the set of all elements that are in either set?

That is called the UNION of the two sets.

What is the cardinality of a union of two infinite sets?

The cardinality of finite sets are the number of elements included in them however, union of infinite sets can be different as it includes the matching of two different sets one by one and finding a solution by matching the same amount of elements in those sets.

How do you use venn diagram to represent the union and intersection sets?

For two sets, the Venn diagram will consist of two overlapping ovals. The area of the overlap is the intersection. The entire area of both ovals is the union.

What is the Set of elements that belongs to at least two different set?

This set is known as the union of two or more sets, which comprises all unique elements that are present in at least one of the sets. These elements are shared between the sets and are not duplicated within the union set.