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Q: Is the use of the mother tongue as a medium of instruction from k to grade 3 in the k to 12 circulum in accordance with section 7?
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During the Spanish era in the Philippines, the medium of instruction was primarily Spanish. The Spaniards established schools and universities where subjects were taught in Spanish to further their influence and control over the local population. The use of Spanish as the medium of instruction was part of their efforts to assimilate the Filipinos into Spanish culture and society.

Using two languages as the medium of instruction?

Bilingual Education

Should English be the medium of instruction in Pakistan?

I don't see why when they are Pakistani. That's like saying should English be the medium of instruction in France or Holland or Germany or China. Unless I have misunderstood your question.

Must English be made be only one medium of instruction why?


What should be the medium of instruction at early school stage?

Mother Tounge

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Who accepted view of Macaulay to make English as medium of instruction?

lord william bentick

Why does the government require to use English as a medium of instruction?

because english is the international communicaton language

Which among the following is the First University of India which had Urdu as medium of instruction?

Osmania Univerisity,hyderabad

What should be the medium of instruction in schools?

The medium of instruction in schools should be based on the language most commonly spoken and understood by the students in a particular region. It is important for students to be able to effectively comprehend and communicate in the language used for instruction in order to facilitate learning and academic success. Additionally, incorporating multiple languages in the curriculum can promote linguistic diversity and cultural understanding.

Why should English is the medium instruction?

English is a widely spoken global language, making it a practical medium of instruction to facilitate effective communication and opportunities for students to compete in an international setting. It also provides access to a vast amount of resources and information available in English, broadening students' knowledge and perspectives.

What has the author Franklin Fearing written?

Franklin Fearing has written: 'Reflex action' 'Motion pictures as a medium of instruction and communication'