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Q: Is the value of solution constant is higher as the value of gas constant?
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Is gas constant equal to planks constant?

No, gas constant is having a value of 8.314Jk-1mol-1 Whereas plancks constant has a value of 6.6*10-31

What are the units of the ideal gas constant with the value of 0.0821?

The ideal gas constant with a value of 0.0821 has units of liter·atm/(mol·K).

What is characteristic gas constant?

"Characteristic Gas Constant"The constant 'R' used in the characteristic gas equation PV=RT , has a constant value for a particular gas and is called 'Characteristic gas constant' or 'specific gas constant' . Its value depend upon the temperature scale used and the properties of the gas, under consideration.The value of R will be.For atmospheric pressure air,R= 287 J/kg/k

The correct value for the universal gas constant is what?


What is ideal gas constant r?

It is the value of the constant which appears in an equation relating the volume, temperature and pressure of an ideal gas. Its value is 8.314 4621 Joules/(Mol K).

Suggestions for percent error R gas constant?

To calculate the percent error for the gas constant (R), you would compare the experimental value to the accepted value. Subtract the accepted value from the experimental value, divide by the accepted value, and then multiply by 100 to get the percent error. This will help you determine the accuracy of your experimental measurement of the gas constant.

What is the value and units of the molar gas constant?

The value of the molar gas constant is approximately 8.314 J/(mol•K). It is a universal constant used in the ideal gas law equation to relate the pressure, volume, temperature, and amount of gas in a system.

What happens to the pressure of gas when it is heated at a constant heat?

The pressure is higher.

What is the Value of R(universal gas constant) and ratio of sp. heats of refrigerent R314a and R134a?

In SI units, the gas constant has a value of approximately 8.314 J / (mol x kelvin).

How is the value of van der Waals constant a related to liquifaction of gases?

The value of the van der Waals constant "a" accounts for attractive forces between gas molecules, which become significant at high pressures. A higher value of "a" indicates stronger molecular attractions, making it harder to liquefy the gas. Lowering the value of "a" can facilitate liquefaction of gases by reducing intermolecular attractions.

How is the real gas constant calculated in cgs unit?

The value of universal gas constant in cgs is 1.985 calories per degree Celsius per mole

What is the importance of your choice of units in expressing the value of the ideal gas law constant?

If any other units are used, the value will be different. --Depending on the units you chose the value of the constant differs