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It is an example of continuous variations.

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Q: Is the variation in weight in human populations an example of discrete or continuous variation?
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What are the differences between Continuous and discrete variation?

Continuous variations have a wide range of possibilities. For example, your height is a continuous variation. There are many options (for example you could be 5'9, 4'6, 6'1) rather than an either/or situation. Discrete variations have only two possibilities. They can be thought of as "either/or" situations. For example, you can either roll your tongue or you can't. There is no grey area or in-between.

Can all functions be discrete or continuous?

No. There are many common functions which are not discrete but the are not continuous everywhere. For example, 1/x is not continuous at x = 0 (it is not even defined there. Then there are curves with step jumps.

Which is an example of continuous variation?

hair colour

Which is an example of continuous variation in hunams?

blood group

What is the variation in human skin color an example of?

This is a typical kind of continuous variation which is controlled by polygenes.

What is an example of a function that is of bounded variation but not Lipschitz continuous?

How about f(x) = floor(x)? (On, say, [0,1].) It's monotone and therefore of bounded variation, but is not Lipschitz continuous (or even continuous).

Is height a discrete or continuous variable?

its continuous because if it was discrete i could measure it right now but its actually over time. For example: if my doctor wants to weigh me ,he will weigh me once and then weigh me again in like 1 week or so

Is color of flowers an example of continuous variation?

no, as a flower is either for example blue or white, and cannot be something in between, thus its discontinuous variation.

How does the Sampling rate affect frequency?

In signal processing, sampling is the reduction of a continuous signal to a discrete signal. A common example is the conversion of a sound wave (a continuous signal) to a sequence of samples (a discrete-time signal).

Is the number of pregnancies a woman has had an example of discrete or continuous variable?

Discrete. You can't have 1.5 pregnancies. Or anything between 1 or 2. If you have had 1, your next is 2.

The weight of an object is an example of?

The weight of an object is an example of the physical properties of the object and the effect of gravity on a mass.

What is the difference between a continuous signal and a discrete signal?

A continuous signal is one that is measured over a time axis and has a value defined at every instance. The real world is continuous (ie. analog). A discrete signal is one that is defined at integers, and thus is undefined in between samples (digital is an example of a discrete signal, but discrete does not have to imply digital). Instead of a time axis, a discrete signal is gathered over a sampling axis. Discrete signals are usually denoted by x[k] or x[n], a continuous signal is x(t) for example. Laplace transforms are used for continuous analysis, Z-transforms are used for discrete analysis. Fourier transforms can be used for either.