Examples of abstract/concrete noun combinations are:birthday cake; the noun 'birthday' is an abstract noun as a word for a concept; the noun 'cake' is a concrete noun as a word for a type of food.card game; the noun 'card' is a concrete noun as a word for a small piece of cardboard marked with characters; the noun 'game' is an abstract noun as a word for a concept.computer science; the concrete noun 'computer' as a word for an electronic unit; the noun 'science' as a word for a concept.marriage license; the noun 'marriage' is an abstract noun as a word for a concept; the noun license is a concrete noun as a word for a document.
Yes, the word 'mathematics' is a noun, a common, uncountable, abstract noun; a word for a concept, a word for a thing.
Yes, the word abbreviation is a noun, a word for a thing.
Yes, word dozen is a noun, a singular common noun; a word for a quantity or a number, a thing.
Yes, the noun 'amount' is an abstract noun, a word for the total number or quantity; a word for a concept.
Yes, the word 'noun' is a noun, a word for a thing.
The noun 'candles' is a plural, common, concrete noun.The singular noun 'candle' is a word for a mass of tallow or wax containing a wick that is burned to give light; a word for a thing.
Yes, the word 'noun' is a noun, a word for a thing.
The word 'word' is a singular, common noun; a word for a thing.The noun 'word' is a concrete noun when spoken, it can be heard and when written, it can be seen.The noun 'word' is an abstract noun as in a kind word or a word to the wise.
The noun 'noun' is an abstract noun, a word for a concept.
The noun 'justice' is a concrete noun as a word for a judge or a magistrate, a word for a person.The word 'justice' is an abstract noun; a word for a quality of fairness and reason; a word for a concept.
The noun form of the verb "noun" is "noun-ness" or "nominalization."
Yes the word classroom is a noun. It is a common noun.
The word 'teacher' is a noun, a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a person.
A word is a thing. The word 'word' is a noun.
Yes, the word 'Claire' is a noun, a proper noun, the name of a person.A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing. The noun 'Claire' is a word for a person.
The noun 'word' is a concrete noun as a word for written or spoken units of language; a word for a physical thing.The noun 'word' is an abstract noun as a word for a promise or assurance; a word for a command, news, or advice; a word for a concept.