A hotel is somewhere you can use as your accommodation for a fee. The world hotel is not of Czech origin.
The origin of the word data is Latin ....
It comes from the Czech word for forced labor.
The origin is from Babylonia
From latin: Simplus
The word "ROBOT" is Czech origin, invented by famous Czech writer Karel Čapek. It's derived from old Czech word "ROBOTA", means "WORK".
No, it originates in Middle Latin.
Robot is of Czech origin. From 'robota' meaning serf labour.Famously used by Karel Capek in his novel R.U.R (Rossum's Universal Robots) in 1920.
Robot is invented by Josef Čapek brother of a famous Czech writer Karel Čapek.
Could be Czech in origin. It means worker, or slave in that language.
It is Czech. Name Chalupka is not of Czech origin. If it was Czech than it would spell Chaloupka. It is pure Slovak name.
The word "robot" originates from the Czech word "robota" meaning forced labor or drudgery. It was first introduced by Czech writer Karel Čapek in his play "R.U.R." (Rossum's Universal Robots) in 1920.
its a hotel that is next to a motor or road so that meant 2 people thout motor + hotel = motel
the word for CZECH in Czech is "český" like an adjective, "čeština" like a language
Polish and Czech
The word for 'friends' in Czech is 'přátelé'.