Well there are cases of identical septuplets. Like identical twins, identical septuplets are all born looking identical and of the same gender only difference is there are 7 children not 2
A fractal is a shape that looks the same at many levels.
looks like a 7, right?
It looks like the Roman numeral for 7
at 7 o clock it still looks the same at 7 o clock it still looks the same
because it looks nice on same people that what i think
Matthew 7:1
yes 7 people can play at the same time on certain games
An iphone 7 looks weird cause apple go over the top with designing iphones and they hope because it looks weird people will buy it.
Depends what type of person it is! Can be looks(sadly) persality same hobbies
That depends on if they're even going to heaven or not. This is a controversial issue that tons of people have different ideas on. But always remember: "Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart" 1 Samuel 16:7
- 3 - 7 same as, - 3 + (- 7 ) = - 10 -------------
What some consider ugly is not seen the same by everyone. Many people believe all humans are beautiful. A person's looks come from the genes they get from their parents and heredity plays a part in how someone looks.
Axel looks like ciscne of final fantasy 7 crisis core. they both have the same weapon as well.