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Q: Is there aGeneric equivalent for Micardis?
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Is micardis an ace inhibitor?

No, Micardis is an ARB (angiotensin II receptor blocker). ACE inhibitors reduce the production of Angiotensin-II, whereas ARBs block them from binding to receptors on cell walls).

Is eating grapefruit dangerous if you take micardis?

Ya noob.

What is micardis high bloodpressure?

Micardis is a blood pressure medication of the type known as angiotensin receptor blockers (or ARB's). Angiotensin is a chemical that the body produces to raise blood pressure and these drugs work by blocking their effects.

Are Telmisartan and micardis the same medicine?

companies may be different.usage same.

When will Micardis become available generic?

One website says 2014--another 2020. Which is correct?

Hypertension cholesterol you have been prescribed Micardis which has reduced your blood pressure However your cholesterol increased to 7.1 Q is this a coincidence Q is there one drug that treats both?

This may be an unexpected side effect of the drug; you should talk to your doctor about this and ask about other drugs options, or whether this condition can be treated with lifestyle changes (which have no unpleasant side effects!) Micardis will not raise your cholesterol. Has a neutral effect on it.

Can you take micardis and fexofenadine pills together or do i have to take it at separate time?

You should consult your pharmacist or MD. ~ There is no interaction between them. You can take either at any time, including together.

What is high bloodpressur?

Micardis is a blood pressure medication of the type known as angiotensin receptor blockers (or ARB's). Angiotensin is a chemical that the body produces to raise blood pressure and these drugs work by blocking their effects.

What are some examples of ACE II inhibitors?

Some examples of ACE II inhibitors include lisinopril, enalapril, and benazepril. These medications are commonly used to treat conditions such as hypertension, heart failure, and chronic kidney disease.