No and there never will be. Decimals are a way to express number. They are not lengths, or mass, or volume or time or anything. Just pure unadulterated numbers. And numbers cannot be measured in inches!
you can line up the decimals
2cm Converts to 0.7874 which converts to 25/32
755 centimeters = 297.244094 inches
27.5 cm converts to about 10.83 inches.
1.75m converts to 5 feet 9 inches.
the job is division
you can line up the decimals
2cm Converts to 0.7874 which converts to 25/32
There are 12 inches in a foot. When you multiply it converts to 39.372 inches.
64 inches converts to about 0.001626 kilometer.
755 centimeters = 297.244094 inches
5 feet 7 inches converts to approximately 170.18 centimeters.
291cm converts to 9 feet 6.6 inches.
2 centimeters = 0.787401575 inches.
167.3 inches converts to 13.94 feet.
27.5 cm converts to about 10.83 inches.
33mm converts to 1.3 (1.29921) inches.